See how day 2 of our Biofeedback Flexible Dieting experiment went!

Including tips on:
1. How to make up for overeating at one meal
2. How to master mindset and avoid getting down on yourself after mistakes
3. How to learn from your mistakes
4. How sleep and hydration affect hunger and cravings

Biofeedback Flexible Dieting is flexible dieting WITHOUT tracking calories. It's our newest program which we are trialling prior to releasing in the upcoming months.

10,000 Calorie Challenge | GIRL VS FOOD [Epic Cheat Day]


Go watch it and tell me what you think!  

If you had an EPIC cheat day that had unlimited macros (AKA 10,000 + calories) what would YOU eat? LET ME KNOW BELOW! I'm curious 😆...



Trouble Sleeping? Check Your Thermostat!

Trouble Sleeping? Check Your Thermostat!

Hey, Derek here!

Tonight I got home from the gym and I just wasn't tired. I felt fatigued, but I just didn't have that desire to go to sleep that normally comes around 9:30pm or 10:00pm. Not only that, I felt as though my mind just wasn't settled.

Now, sleep is a complicated thing... There are many things that can contribute to difficulty falling asleep, but in this case I quickly identified the cause - the thermostat.

Prepping For The 10k

What's this about a 10,000 calorie food challenge?

Well, I have decided to take on this wonderful food challenge and consume 10,000 calories in one day! 

NOVEMBER 2nd I will be FILMING ALL DAY, recording everything that enters my mouth to tally for a total of 10,000 calories! Now THAT is a food CHALLENGE. 
I will be live streaming through periscope on November 2nd 😏 (Username=Mrslivefit)

Don't believe me?  

Just wait & watch.


#10KCalorieFoodChallenge #MrsLiveFitVSFood

The Obstacle is The Way: My Favourite Quotes

The Obstacle is The Way: My Favourite Quotes

I just shared the audio version of The Obstacle is The Way by Ryan Holiday with a couple of friends tonight, so I thought I would post a few of my favourite quotes here.

In my opinion this book is a must read for proper mindset.

In any circumstance your mindset (whether you choose good or bad) has the power to build you up to conquer your circumstance or break you down and destroy you.

It's like the story I recently heard re-told in the movie Tomorrowland...

Arriving In Barcelona | #SOV Part 1

Arriving In Barcelona | #SOV Part 1


I have finally been able to sit down and edit the videos I took over our 3-week European Cruise Vacation! This is part 1 of the series, #ShreddingOnVacation (#SOV). 

When all parts of this series is uploaded, I will post another video summarizing how I managed in my attempt to make progress on vacation, WITHOUT sacrificing enjoyment of the cruise as well as the ups and downs during most travelling situations and how I used them to my advantage :)

How To Become Your Own Coach

How To Become Your Own Coach

Well, it's the Tuesday after Thanksgiving here in Canada and we're just getting into the cool fall weather here in Cambridge, Ontario.

Rach and I went on a walk this morning through a trail by our house and had a good conversation about where we are at in our own fitness journeys. 

At times, because fitness is our business and because we have such high expectations of ourselves, we don't notice how far we've come. 

This past month has been one full of indulgences and opportunities to get off track, yet as we sit here, after 3 weeks of family vacation, a ridiculously busy two weeks after getting home and a turkey filled thanksgiving weekend, both of us are looking and feeling better than ever!

How to Defeat Holiday Weight Gain (While Still Enjoying Pumpkin Pie!)

How to Defeat Holiday Weight Gain (While Still Enjoying Pumpkin Pie!)

For us Canadians, this weekend is Thanksgiving. (Sorry American's you'll have to wait a month to get your piece of pumpkin and apple pie!) 

With thanksgiving comes many things. Cooler weather, the changing of leaves, time with family & friends, hockey (or football) and of course food. 

Delicious, enticing, calorie-rich food.

...and lest we forget, with that food comes one less welcome addition: That extra 5lbs of holiday weight.


Now if it was just about avoiding gaining weight it would be easy. 

You'd just stop eating when you got full, skip out on dessert and drinks and workout the way you normally do. Easy peasy.

The problem is that most of us are not ready to sacrifice the enjoyment that comes with thanksgiving dinner. It holds a special place for us sentimentally, and to be honest it's just nice to have nice feast once in a while!

So with that as our context, we have a problem to solve:

"How can you avoid gaining weight during the holidays when there is abundance of delicious, tasty food, and more importantly, how can we do it without hating our life and missing out on the enjoyment of our beloved thanksgiving feast with friends or family?"

Three Words to Get You Back on Track After an Accidental Indulgence

Three Words to Get You Back on Track After an Accidental Indulgence

What if I told you there was something you could tell yourself every time you had a temptation that would completely change your outlook? What if I could give you a tool that would stop that weekend long binge in it's tracks? What if you could stop after the buns and spend the rest of the weekend making progress?

What if instead of eating something you shouldn't, sitting at home instead of working out or making any other decision that runs counter to your goals, you had a tool that you could use to stop the damage or prevent it from even happening in the first place?

Three Simple Tools to Allow You To Eat Whatever You Want at Social Events

Three Simple Tools to Allow You To Eat Whatever You Want at Social Events

Last night we were out at a social gathering and there was an assortment of treats available. For the last 3 weeks, we were on a cruise with an all you can eat buffet, delicious food left right and center! AND, over the last month, I've dropped 4lbs to reach the lightest I've been in almost 6 months. (A recent goal of mine since extra weight is a big hindrance in calisthenics - my latest fitness pursuit)

What's more, I've been far less stringent with what I've eaten than in past attempts at a similar goal. 

Rather than relying on my willpower to get me through the mass of food that's been in front of me, (let's be honest, there are only a select few people who can maintain that) I used a few simple strategies to allow some surprising indulgences while still slowly dropping weight.

So, what's my secret? Read on to find out...