Sustainable Fat Loss, SIMPLIFIED!

fat loss coaching services


At Live For Today Fitness we do things a little differently. We don't believe in sacrificing your time and social life doing hours of cardio, meticulously counting calories or even depriving yourself of delicious food if you don't need to. Our goal is to make adherence to your program as easy as possible and to teach you sustainable systems that allow you to independently maintain your results, even when other life priorities take over.

We are so sure that you'll be satisfied that we offer a 30-day 110% money back guarantee. If you don't see results, we pay you!


From the comfort of your own home, anywhere in the world, we coach you from our office on all aspects of training, nutrition and lifestyle required to help you achieve sustainable fat loss.

Each consultation, we meet over Skype, Google Hangouts or another service and review success and difficulties since the last consultation and work with you to come up with actionable solutions to obstacles you have run into.

Typically we will follow up the consultation with an email outlining resources discussed, actions for this week and a request for 3 personal action based goals from you for this week to get you closer to your goal.


In your home, at Battlegrounds Training Centre or at our home training studio, we coach you on form and demonstrate, instruct and correct exercises in your training program.

Each session includes a training component and a consultation component. Depending on your goals the training can range from 20-40 minutes and the consultation will fill the remaining time to ensure maximum value.

During the consultation portion, we review success and difficulties in your fat loss journey since the last consultation and work with you to come up with actionable solutions to obstacles you have run into.




What the people we work with are saying

Click here to see what our clients are saying! We are so excited to see the responses we're getting!! Their hard work is making us look good! So... The question is... Will you be next?




About Us


We are an Ontario couple who share a passion for fitness and nutrition. We are reaching out to others who are on the search for health through balance in fitness, nutrition and lifestyle.


To provide clients with simple, effective tools and education to achieve and maintain the fitness and fat loss results they desire without disrupting overall life balance.

We want clients to LIVE for today while WORKING for tomorrow.


Live for Today. Work for Tomorrow.

We don't believe in sacrificing your time and social life doing hours of cardio, meticulously counting calories or even depriving yourself of delicious food if you don't need to. We believe that maintaining balance in your life while working towards your goal is the key to sustainable results. It's about making fitness fit your lifestyle rather than making your lifestyle fit your fitness.

It may take a bit longer to do it this way, but the results will be sustainable over the long-term. If you set your system up correctly, the solution to sustainable results is usually quite effortless. The key is knowing which strategies are required for which goals. 


Simplicity, Balance, Results. We'll Teach You How.

Simplicity –The minimal effective dose. Our goal is to make adherence to your program as easy as possible. We will show you the simplest, most straightforward path to success. We will equip you with what you need to know to reach your goals and avoid burdening you with the rest of the ‘nice to know’ but not overly important information that does not contribute directly to your results.

Balance – Find your balance. We want you to maintain your results even when other life priorities take over. In order to make this possible, we will work with you to help you find a program that allows you to get results while maintaining a healthy balance between your health, fitness and personal life. If you can find balance while working towards you goals, you’ll have a much easier time maintaining your results later when your focus isn’t strictly on fitness and nutrition.

Results  Sustainable, lasting results. Without results, everything else we stand for means nothing. There are many ‘warm and fuzzy’ programs out there, but if a program does not deliver results it is useless. While we want you to enjoy your life and have balance, there is also a level of effort and commitment required to achieve and maintain body composition goals. We will help you find this level of effort and balance it with the rest of your life to ensure long term lasting results.

Education  We’ll teach you how. When you finish training with us we want you to be equipped to be your own trainer. If you are not educated on what it takes to achieve and maintain your results, those results will never be sustainable. It’s great if a personal trainer or nutrition coach can help you achieve fat loss, but if they do not teach you how to carry it forward into the future you will be helpless the minute you stop training with them.